Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Do think about where in your home you want to meet. Which room? Is there privacy for us to talk about? If you are comfortable, there can be others in the home, but we will need a space that will be quiet and private.
Unless we are working directly on parenting skills, do have babysitting for young children, if you feel you will be distracted by your child/children.
Do not clean up. You do not need to clean for me. It helps me know you by seeing your home. If your home is not as tidy as you want, we can discuss how to make it happen.
Thank you, but there is no need to offer food and/or beverages.
Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual. In general, whether in your home, walking or on the phone, you can expect to discuss the current events in your life, your personal history relevant to your issue and goals and a review of progress or challenges or new insights regarding therapy goals. Depending on your goals, we may explore your physical space as well and look at ways to systemize or your time. Sometimes between sessions, there may be suggestions of things you can do to support your progress. Some sessions are more therapist directed and some sessions are more client directed.
These days the terms counseling or therapy are used interchangeably. My approach to counseling or therapy is very much about working towards a goal by breaking it down into manageable pieces. Sometimes a goal is accepting something that can not be changed. In this case, the work is about exploring the experience and feelings. As a professional coach, I want to support you and give you the tools to better understand yourself, your relationships, your personal and professional goals. I want to help you bring your strengths into focus, and help you find increased peace of mind.
Individual sessions are an hour long. Sessions can be weekly, biweekly, monthly depending on your needs.