Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Therapy can mean exactly as it sounds ...counseling in your home.
I extend At-Home counseling to include your workplace, a place in the community where we can find some privacy or a walk outside.
At-Home counseling has a number of benefits. It saves time because you don't have to travel to an office. Many clients find counseling in their home or other location more comfortable because it is a setting they are choosing.
Many people want to escape their world and come to an office. I support that choice as well. However, in coming to the setting of your choice, I am able to learn about you and your environment.
Please let me know if you have questions regarding counseling in an at-home setting or set up an appointment and give it a try.
According to a number of websites, including the Mayo Clinic Website and the Arthritis Foundation website, walking has many benefits:
Walk and Talk Therapy can same you time by combining exercise and therapy in one. Sometimes it is easier to talk more openly walking side by side rather than face to face as in a typical therapeutic setting.
You pick the pace. It can be a stroll or a power walk. It can be in your neighborhood, at a park or a mall. Contact me to discuss your needs and goals and how walking and talking can benefit you!
There are benefits to all formats of counseling. Virtual counseling can be a session on the phone or video conferencing or even texting.
Virtual therapy allows you to be where you are more comfortable while having a session. You can be at-home, or away on a professional or personal trip, or in your car. It saves you time and it can work into your schedule.
I offer hour-long virtual sessions that allow for time for assessment and reflection. I also offer shorter check-in virtual sessions for between sessions or when time does not allow for a full session. It can be helpful if you are working on goals and need support, encouragement, or accountability.
Virtual sessions are useful when rain or snow or change of schedules or sickness makes having a session in person not seem possible.