Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Therapy and Classes for Individuals, Couples and Families
Parenting can be wonderfully fulfilling and at the same time frustrating and confusing. Whether your child, no matter their age, is developing normally or is developing atypically, a child with ADHD, autism or a learning disability, parents can use support to express and work through feelings regarding their child or children and at the same time receive help with solving problems around their child's challenges. A child with challenges affects the entire family system including the parental relationship, relationships with siblings and extended family.
I have decades of experience with working with children of all ages., I have expensive training around working with children and their families. Check out my About Me tab to view some of the training and continuing education I have completed.
I am here to support you, your family and your child.
Do you know a group of moms looking for parenting support?
Looking for a group for moms who want support around parenting a child of any age?.... Contact me.
Life coaching is about helping you organize and achieve your personal and/or professional goals. Drawing from a full range of therapeutic approaches, I will assist you to create a plan with manageable steps. We will discuss your strengths and your challenges as they relate to your goals. And, I will encourage you to complete those tasks in order to make the desired changes in your life.
People of any age with ADD/ADHD/ HFA can feel disorganized socially, emotionally and physically. It can be hard to manage time. It can be hard to prioritize. It can be hard to complete tasks. It can feel like mental clutter.
I work with clients to prioritize needs and wants and help clients complete tasks. I help clients learn to manage their goals. This work with clients can mean creating systems, creating to-do lists, and keeping track of those goals. It can mean lending support while a client makes calls, pays bills, sets up appointments or completes paperwork. It can mean helping a client learn to keep their physical space organized.
At the same time that I work with clients on their practical needs, we also focus, discuss and work on the social and emotional reactions to the challenges their lives.
If you feel you or a loved one could use this help whether diagnosed with ADD/ADHD/HFA or not, please contact me.
My life skills classes are client-centered. The client needs determine the focus of each session. I meet clients virtually and in their homes. As a licensed clinical social worker, my life skills class tends to focus on social-emotional skills, communication skills (i.e., conversational skills, emotional identification skills, anger management skills, assertiveness training) and executive function skills (i.e., goal setting, problem-solving, prioritizing, time management and accountability). These skills affect self-esteem, confidence and personal goal attainment. When helpful, I support clients in connecting to the world outside of their home: calls, texts, emails, computer research, and such. Some sessions are sitting and talking the whole time, and some sessions involve helping a client with practical needs. In addition, involving and communicating with family members/caretakers and on a regular basis can be an integral part of life skills work.
Transitions are a natural part of life. Some transitions we have control over and some transitions we do not have control over.
To name a few transitions you may be encountering in your life:
Sometimes we need support while we journey through life. I help clients navigate these transitions.
One definition of stress is "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances." Stress can also be replaced with the word "strain, pressure, worry, anxiety, difficulty..." We all feel stress in varying levels. Circumstances that lead to the feeling of stress come from our personal or professional worlds, or both.
Together we can work to reduce stress through problem-solving techniques. If the stress comes from a place you have no control over, we can work on coping skills. Adding exercise and fresh air can be helpful to combat the feeling of stress. Supportive Walk and Talk Therapy may be useful.
We experience grief when a loved one dies.
We also experience grief when we undergo any loss. Loss can relate to a person, an experience, or a material object. It can be the loss of a positive of negative relationship; the loss of a dream of what we thought our own lives or our children's lives would be; the loss of any change or transition in our life. Grief can create mental clutter. As much as we celebrate some transitions there is often a sense of loss or grief that accompanies change.
Even if you can't change or control the loss, I am here to support you as you learn to cope with the loss.
Mental clutter can be that list in your head that never seems to get shorter.
Mental clutter can be those thoughts in your head that get in the way of making decisions.
Mental clutter can make thoughts hard to process.
Mental clutter can lead to physical clutter...papers building up, bills unpaid, invitations unanswered.
Mental clutter can feel like worry or anxiety.
Mental clutter can be negative self-talk.
Mental clutter can cause avoidance and procrastination.
Through counseling let's work on sorting out the mental clutter.
With support:
We can create systems for paper management together.
We can create systems for clutter management together.
We can create systems for time management together.
Do you or a loved one have difficulty making friends?
Do you struggle with the personal or professional relationships you have?
Do you have unresolved thoughts and feelings regarding old connections?
We have relationships involving parents, significant others, children, friends, teachers, co-workers, and bosses.
No matter your age or place in life, we need others in our lives and relationships need nurturing.
Let's work on social and communication skills together.
Let's explore relationships, both old and new, together.
Let me support you in forming the relationships you want.